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31 marzo 2013 / Marco Alici

FREE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN: dal concept al prototipo – dimostrazione d’uso di programmi e stampanti 3D Open Source.

23 Marzo 2013 – “Il Software Libero per combattere la crisi” convegno organizzato dal FermoLUG in collaborazione con l’I.P.S.I.A. “Ostilio Ricci” di Fermo (

5 commenti

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  1. Shahul / Set 8 2014 02:44

    Dear MarcoAlici, Sorry I don’t speak Italian but I hope you will be able to respond in English. I tried printing your M10 bolt and nut and I must say that I’m impressed. However I have the following questions:

    1. The plastic nut fits perfectly into the metal bolt and the metal nut also fits perfectly into the plastic bolt but why I can’t I screw the plastic nut all the way into the M10 bolt?

    2. I’m did a thread model in Blender by spinning a set pitch and diameter via the screw tool and then manaully joining the screw mesh to an axle with a top chamfer mesh but I can’t seem to get it to screw with a metal nut properly. Are you able to provide me with some guidance and notes perhaps?

    Thank You

    "Mi piace"

    • Marco Alici / Set 8 2014 16:14

      Hi Shahul, thank you for your appreciation.

      1. Actually I didn’t print the nut, but someone printed both (, and didn’t report problems. My opinion is that the printing tolerances couldn’t give enough clearance if both threads are printed (while it could be fine if one of them is metal). Try to print the threaded parts as slow as possible, and to screw the bolt several times in a metal nut and the nut in a metal bolt, so that the thread can be cleaned.

      2. The pitch must be correct, but you can try to make the diameters a little smaller, to increase the clearance between male (mesh) and female (real metal nut) threads.

      I hope that my reply is clear enough, and I hope that it can help you to make a good thread!
      Let me know.


      "Mi piace"

  2. Rosaria / Apr 28 2013 13:32

    ciao non è vero che l’audio è basso talvolta la fatica a seguire lo saprai dipende dalla connessione in web

    "Mi piace"

    • Marco Alici / Apr 28 2013 15:55

      Di per sé la qualità delle riprese (telecamera fissa non presidiata, microfono incorporato alla videocamera lontana, volume di voce basso…) non è delle migliori; in più la materia forse mal si presta ad essere seguita in video. Grazie comunque per la visita!:-)

      "Mi piace"


  1. FREE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN: dal concept al prototipo – dimostrazione d’uso di programmi e stampanti 3D Open Source. | BlogFriends

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