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29 agosto 2011 / Marco Alici

Tutorial: how to model (and render) a realistic spiral cable in Blender (and Yafaray)/3

<< Tutorial: how to model (and render) a realistic spiral cable in Blender (and Yafaray)/2

In this third part I will show the settings I used in the GUI of Yafaray exporter to get the final render image.

I placed two arealights: the bigger one, on the right of the camera, is 40×40 cm; the smaller one, on the left, is 20×20 cm. The power of each arealight is showed in the image below, as well as the light colour: I often use to slightly change each colour because I find that it improves the realism of the scene.

The main material settings (the white plastic and the cable) are showed below. The other ones are really very simple shinydiffuse or glass Yafaray materials. I’d like to remark that in Yafaray 0.1.1 and Blender 2.4x the materials have to be set within the Yafaray interface, no matter how they are set into Blender itself where only textures affect Yafaray renderings. On the contrary in Blender 2.5x Yafaray material settings are changed in the unique Blender material tab.

As a method of lighting I used Pathtracing, and I also added an HDR sphere light probe that I downloaded from here. The light probe has been loaded into Blender as a World texture, textured as AngMap, and it’s used as Image Background Light. This and all other settings can be easily get from the image below:

This is the final rendering:

Click to enlarge

5 commenti

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  1. Artales / Dic 7 2011 21:14

    Very nice. Thank you for sharing your work.

    "Mi piace"

  2. jeff bennett / Ott 24 2011 14:24

    Amazing work. I had to look really, really close to see that it wasn’t a photograph.
    The only way I could tell was the cord. Not the cord itself, the missing clear plastic connectors on the ends ( yes, I’m that neurotic).

    "Mi piace"


  1. A walk with the new Cycles « MarcoAlici
  2. Tutorial: how to model (and render) a realistic spiral cable in Blender (and Yafaray)/2 « MarcoAlici

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